Monday, August 8, 2011


I'm back!

It's been forever since I've written anything. I think partly because I have so much to write I don't know where to begin. I want to write about my vacation and birthday but I just downloaded the photos from my camera and at first glance it was a tad overwhelming. I need to get my thoughts together on that one. I will say it was amazing though.

Even though I don't have super exciting birthday news for you today I do have super exciting new obsession news. Pinterest. I know some of you have it because we follow each other but for those of you who don't...get it. And let's be friends. The whole thing looks a bit overwhelming at first glance but it basically comes down to being virtual inspiration boards/a way to organize images and information online. You "pin" things from around the web to any number of boards you create. You can also pin things that other people have posted so it becomes a great way to inspire each other as well. Check it out...


Me on Pinterest


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