Monday, June 20, 2011

A BBQ Picnic!

As I mentioned before Friday was gorgeous here in Portland. So gorgeous in fact that it allowed Craig and I to have a BBQ/picnic at a park near our apartments. On the menu were hot dogs, southwestern seasoned corn on the cob, buttermilk potato salad, watermelon, pickles, and chocolate chip cookies. We used a portable grill I bought recently and I'm in love with. I don't know if it was the sun or the park or puppykins or what but I feel like our little outdoor meal made me so incredibly happy. I want to spend the whole summer in the park having mini BBQs and being outside with my dog.

Afterward Craig and I went over to my place to watch a movie. Tiger hung out in my lap and Javier slept in what is supposed to be the dog bed. Until Craig left and I walked him to the door. Then Tiger decided he needed to sleep in the bed too.

At least one of them seems content with that arrangement.